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 In tandem with global realities, the University through the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic reviewed the status of eLearning in the University in the first quarter of 2020.   The Director of ITeMS, Mrs. Abiodun Alao, Director of CETL, Prof A. Odebunmi and Director of CEI, Prof. Ayotola Aremu were the initial trio to prepare a report on the status of eLearning and pathway for sustainable implementation of eLearning for the University.


The report enumerated past efforts and challenges and charted the way forward.  A five-year strategic plan was developed as part of a draft eLearning policy.   This strategic plan was to be implemented in the second quarter of 2020 beginning with a sensitisation workshop.  Unfortunately, strikes and COVID 19 prevented this from happening as scheduled.  However, the doggedness of the ad hoc Committee, later expanded to include PG School, DLC, College of Medicine and other stakeholders provided learning resources to engage the then incoming 2019/2020 fresh students on the Learning Management System (Moodle).   The platform was also upgraded, and accounts created for all staff in readiness for full eLearning.


In response to the total lockdown due to COVID 19, University Senate approved that teaching and learning should take place online using the Emergency Remote Teaching approach in January 2020.   By its nature, ERT is not eLearning, although it provided the necessary exposure to online learning tools and platform for staff and students. The pre and post evaluation results strengthened the already ongoing blended learning strategies and lessons learned should be considered in the implementation of this eLearning policy.


This Committee is hereby charged with implementing the eLearning policy in its entirety.  

You will be brainstorming over questions like

  • Where are we in the 5-year plan?
  • What adjustments are needed for successful implementation?
  • What do we need to achieve success?
  • What next after the 5 years?

No doubt, given the skills and competencies of members of this committee, the University of Ibadan is on the right path to implementing eLearning that will be the envy of many

I wish you great success


Prof. Aderonke M. Baiyeroju

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic

DECEMBER 11, 2023