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The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan,  Professor Kayode O.  Adebowale, mni, FAS,  has restated the University's commitment to making modern learning accessible to all. 

He said that education is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform lives and society, adding that the University's commitment to providing quality education is unwavering. 

Professor Adebowale, who was speaking at the official opening of the partnership between the University and Edurex Academy, said the University of Ibadan had always been at the forefront of educational excellence, and  that the partnership with Edurex Academy was a testament to its dedication to staying at the cutting edge of the rapidly evolving educational landscape.

The Vice-Chancellor said that in an era where technology is reshaping the way we live, work, and learn, it is essential that our educational institutions adapt and embrace the opportunities that digital advancements bring.

He said the partnership with Edurex Academy would enable the University to leverage technology to make education more accessible, flexible, and tailored to the diverse needs of learners beyond the traditional confines of the University campus. 

The partnership, according to Professor Adebowale, would facilitate the development and implementation of innovative learning solutions,  blending the academic  rigour for which the University of Ibadan is renowned with the cutting-edge technology and methodologies championed by Edurex Academy.

The Director of the Distance Learning Centre,  Professor E. B. Omobowale said education was no longer confined to the walls of a classroom, that it transcends geographical boundaries, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations to access quality learning experiences. 

He said the UI DLC has been at the forefront of this paradigm shift of breaking down barriers to education and making learning accessible to a global audience.

The Director said the partnership was a testament to the Centre's commitment to providing accessible and high-quality education to individuals worldwide. 

In an address read on his behalf by Mr Kayode Olaniyan, the CEO of Edurex Technologies,  Mr Adedotun Fasiku  said the partnership was not just a collaboration but a commitment to innovation, to pushing the boundaries of traditional education and to providing learners with a pathway to success. 

He said the partnership seeks to create a dynamic learning ecosystem that caters to the diverse needs of individuals seeking continuous development,  professional certifications, and a transformative educational experience. 

Mr Fasiku urged learners to seize the opportunity to embrace the learning journey ahead, knowing that UI and Edurex Academy are on hand to support and guide them at every step of the way because the partners believe in the potential of every individual to learn, grow and contribute meaningfully to society.

The partnership between UI 

DLC and Edurex Academy will offer online certifications and professional courses across various disciplines such as IT, Project Management,  Accounting and Finance, Agribusiness, and Leadership, among others.