University of Ibadan at 75 International Innovation Conference

Conference Theme: 

Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development: Impacting the Glocal Community

Venue: University of Ibadan International Conference Centre, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

  • Conference Dates: October 2-4, 2024

Call for Papers

The University of Ibadan is passionate about pushing the frontiers of knowledge through innovation and interdisciplinary collaborations. The key intention of this conference is to provide a world platform that provides opportunities for participants to exchange new ideas and up-to-date application experiences, and share original ideas and experiences,  both virtually and in person. It is also expected to provide a forum for future collaborations, business relations and research partnerships. 

We are, therefore, inviting interested scholars and professionals across a broad spectrum to submit abstracts that reflect innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration for our upcoming conference in the historic city of Ibadan, Nigeria. The conference is designed to foster connections between the academia and other sectors capable of pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the 21st century. 

We seek individual papers, panels, and poster sessions focusing on the following tracks:

  1. Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies
  2. Health and Medicine, Engineering, and technology, 
  3. Big Data, Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
  4. Social Sciences and Humanities
  5. Physical, Life and Applied Sciences
  6. Regional Studies
  7. Business, Management, and Economics Studies. 

Sub-themes of interests and poster presentations for submission include, but are not limited to:

  1. Agriculture, Food Technology and Nutrition, Food Production, Processing, Packaging, and Preservation.
  2. Big Data, Internet of Things, Security and Information Technology, Research and Innovation Challenges, Enablers and Management, Research, and Innovation Culture, Start ups,  ICT4Dev for Research and Innovation, Research and Innovation Policies for Transformation, Research and Innovation Incubators, Accelerators and Ecosystems.
  3. Conflict and Complex Emergencies, Natural Resource Conflict, Humanitarian Crisis, and Action, Small and Light Weapons.
  4. Crime, Criminality, and Punishment.
  5. Culture and Society: Higher Education, New Religious Movements, Art and Music, Social Media, Press, Drug and Human Trafficking, the Fashion Industry.
  6. Environment: Sustainable Development; Sanitation and Waste Management; Climate Change; Urbanisation and Urban Livelihoods; Water Resources; Weeds and Alien Plants. 
  7. Public Health; Existing and Emerging Infectious Diseases; Women Health; Child and Adolescent Health – Socio-cultural Issues; Child Rights
  8. Economic Issues and Human Resources: Global, International, and Cross-Border Trade Networks, Agriculture and Pastoralism, Private Sector Development, the Developing World and the Global Economy, Poverty and Affluence, Land Resources, Food Security, Minerals and Extractive Industry.
  9. Infrastructure Development, Power and Alternative Energy, Transport and Aviation
  10. Migration and Diaspora
  11. Regional Cooperation and Integration Issues, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy.
  12. Women and Entrepreneurship
  13.  Youth Unemployment and Entrepreneurship
  14. Other Related Themes

Peer Review and Conference Publications

Selected papers from the conference will be peer-reviewed and published in a reputable outlet. Interested persons should send a 250-word abstract. Abstracts should be submitted with the following information: (a)Names of author (s) (b) institutional affiliation (c) email address and telephone number (d) title of paper of presentation  (e) 5 keywords.

Abstract Submission Date: August 31, 2024.

Full paper submission Date: September 21, 2024

Early Bird Registration Date: September 26, 2024

Conference Registration Fees:  

Nigeria:   N40,000

Students: N15,000

Africa: $50 


Outside Africa


$50 Students 

$50 Virtual 

$30 Virtual Students 


Tour (Optional)




Contact Information:


  1. Professor Olutayo C. Adesina

Professor of History,

Department of History,

Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Nigeria




  1. Professor Olukemi K. Amodu PhD

Professor of Genetics| Molecular Biology| Public Health

Institute of Child Health

College of Medicine, University of Ibadan

Ibadan| Nigeria


Abstracts submissions preferred through Google form:


While other correspondences should be directed to the Conference Emails: